BREAK OF NOON By Paul Claudel - My first published translation by Shearsman Books.
Edited by Anthony Rudolf, Translated by Jonathan Griffin, David Furlong, John Naughton & Susannah York
In 2006, with my company @ExchangeTheatre, we put on our very first production, THE EXCHANGE by Paul Claudel at Jermyn Street Theatre and Hackney Empire studio which also was its British Premiere and we started talking of our unique translations from French with the Finborough Theatre. Over 15 years, we have been focusing our work on exchanges, or as Paul Claudel says, “towards the reunion of the world”. The symbolist playwright first inspired Exchange Theatre values and influenced its work. In 2018, the Finborough Theatre programmed our translation of Partage de Midi, Break of Noon by Paul Claudel at The Finborough Theatre. In 15 years, after translating Molière, Sartre, Durringer, this is our first publication.
BREAK OF NOON is a collaborative publication edited by Anthony Rudolf, from Menard Press who offered to publish it. “Break of Noon” by Paul Claudel, about decolonisation, love and identity. It is also be published for our 15th anniversary. The critical apparatus is completed with essays by Exchange Theatre’s artistic director David Furlong, Professor John Naughton, a leading academic authority on Claudel, and the late Susannah York on her involvement with the play.
